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Atlas Legal Partners is a distinguished law firm specializing in various practice areas, including banking law, commercial law, accounting law, labor law, immigration law, intellectual property and health care as well. Our commitment is to provide you with unparalleled professional support in these legal domains. 

Our commitment to optimal legal solutions ensures that you receive comprehensive and efficient assistance in resolving your legal matters. At Atlas Legal Partners, our clients benefit not only from our exceptional legal expertise but also from our capacity to successfully represent them in complex and demanding situations. With a proven track record of navigating through difficult legal landscapes, we consistently deliver favorable outcomes. Our ability to handle intricate cases effectively stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to justice and our unparalleled legal acumen.

Contact Atlas Legal Partners to navigate legal complexities with confidence and secure favorable outcomes tailored to your unique needs.

Atlas Legal Partners Practice Areas

Immigration Law

Atlas Legal Partners, a leading law firm specializing in immigration law, focuses on international mobility and migrants' rights. Our experienced immigration lawyers provide expert services covering visas, residence, and work permits. We cater to individuals, companies, and governments, offering reliable support in critical areas such as border security and migrant labor rights. Navigate the complexities of ever-changing immigration laws and policies with Atlas Legal Partners by your side.

Practice Areas of Business Law

In the realm of business law, Atlas Legal Partners boasts seasoned trial attorneys dedicated to representing business clients. Our legal experts excel in providing guidance and advocacy in various corporate legal challenges. Whether safeguarding clients' interests or securing successful resolutions in complex business litigation cases, our commitment is unwavering.

Matrimonial and Family Law

We provide expert legal representation for clients facing challenges in various family law matters, including child support, divorce, and domestic abuse cases. Our experienced attorneys are committed to advocating for our clients’ rights and interests, ensuring that they receive the support and guidance they need during these difficult times.

Employment and Labor Law

Atlas Legal Partners has a solid track record in employment and labor law, advocating for employees to reclaim their rights and achieve justice in the workplace. Our dedicated attorneys navigate complex employment laws, securing favorable outcomes for clients facing workplace challenges.

Real Estate Law

Navigating the complexities of real estate transactions, property disputes, and land use matters is seamless with Atlas Legal Partners. Our firm, equipped with a deep understanding of property law, provides strategic advice and robust representation, whether clients are buying or selling property, facing zoning challenges, or involved in landlord-tenant disputes.

Criminal Law

Facing criminal charges in Istanbul can be overwhelming. Our Istanbul-based criminal lawyers offer steadfast legal defense and representation throughout the entire legal process. We are experienced in handling a wide range of criminal cases, from petty offenses to major felonies. Our lawyers will work tirelessly to protect your rights and fight for the best possible outcome.

Intellectual Property Law

Atlas Legal Partners is a leading force in intellectual property law, guiding clients through every step of the process. Whether securing patents for groundbreaking inventions, trademarking unique brand identifiers, or negotiating licensing agreements, our expertise ensures comprehensive protection for intellectual property.

Health Care Law

With a comprehensive understanding of the unique legal challenges and regulatory complexities inherent in the healthcare sector, we are adept at navigating the intricate landscape of healthcare law. Our services span a wide range of legal matters, including medical malpractice defense, compliance with healthcare regulations, contract negotiations, and employment law issues specific to healthcare settings.

Tax Law

Istanbul's tax regulations can be complex for both individuals and businesses. Our knowledgeable tax lawyers in Istanbul provide comprehensive legal advice and representation on tax matters. We can assist with tax planning, compliance, disputes, and audits, ensuring you remain on the right side of Turkish tax law.