Basics of Residency Permit in Turkey

Governments worldwide implement various regulations to monitor the presence of foreigners in their countries, maintain public order, and prevent potential adverse situations. Turkish law also includes rules governing the residence of foreigners in the country. As Atlas Legal Partners based in Istanbul, we are here to answer specific questions regarding how to obtain a residency permit in Turkey, who can apply, and more.

Who Should Obtain a Residency Permit in Turkey?

Foreign nationals planning to stay in Turkey for periods exceeding 90 days are required to obtain a residency permit. However, there are some exceptions specified in Turkish law. These exceptions include foreigners married to citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), individuals with refugee status, children under 18 living with their guardian, certain individuals with disabilities, and those holding diplomatic passports.

Types of Residency Permits and Legal Support in Turkey: There are six different types of residency permits in Turkey, each requiring different documents. In the event of a rejection, the individual may be deported back to their home country. Therefore, it is crucial to submit accurate and complete applications. At Atlas Legal Partners, we provide legal support to our clients throughout this process, helping to prevent potential issues.

Short-term Residency Permits: Foreigners wishing to obtain a short-term residency permit in Turkey must meet specific conditions. These include having accommodation that meets living standards, providing a criminal record, and reporting their address in Turkey. Additionally, different situations, such as those conducting scientific research, property owners in Turkey, entrepreneurs, and students coming for educational purposes, can apply for a short-term residency permit.

In summary, it is crucial for foreign nationals wishing to obtain a residency permit in Turkey to submit accurate and complete applications. At Atlas Legal Partners, we provide the necessary legal support and information to our clients throughout this process. Obtaining a residency permit in Turkey is key to protecting your legal rights and living in the country without issues. Remember to seek professional legal assistance when making your application.


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